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II CEE & Central Asia Summer Academy on Business and Human Rights – Registration open (Deadline: July 14th, 2024)

Kategoria: Wydarzenia

The Central and Eastern Europe & Central Asia Summer Academy on Business and Human Rights (The Summer Academy) is organized by the Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business (PIHRB; Polish: Polski Instytut Praw Człowieka i Biznesu) and the Ukrainian Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukrainian: Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого) in partnership with the Global Business Initiative on Human Rights and in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross, the UNDP, the CEECA Resource Hub and the CEE Business and Human Rights Association. The Summer Academy has also profited from the support and advice of the Steering Committee.

The Summer Academy is open to passionate people who want to leave a positive mark on the world by driving implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in their sectors and organizations and helping others to understand what is needed to ensure greater respect for human rights on the part of business organisations.

The aim of the Summer Academy is:

  • to raise participant awareness on the business and human rights (BHR) agenda and standards with the goal to enhance respect for human rights by business and the effective functioning of legal and non-legal remedies for human rights in cases of business caused violations;
  • to provide a systematic knowledge and understanding of the impact of business on human rights, the role of the state and non-state actors in the process of the proper implementation of business and human rights standards; good practices will be provided;
  • to form skills to monitor (benchmark) human rights risks in business operations;
  • to raise awareness as to the process of developing National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights and other policy and legislation developments;
  • to create and develop a network of BHR experts and to raise awareness of business and human rights in the region of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Pariticipants of the Summer Academy will obtain the knowledge, skills and competences that will allow them to support the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in their respective countries, which will contribute to improvement in the respect for human rights in the context of business operations across the region.

They will also gain the opportunity to become members of the CEE&CA BHR Summer Academy Alumni Network (CEECA BHR Alumni Network) and those who obtain the Diploma – subject to their consent – will be listed as BHR Contact Points for their respective country on the CEECA BHR Resource Hub.

More information and the Registation Form here.